Scottish Government: Forced Marriage Training
11 February 2015, February - March 2015
In November 2011, the Forced Marriage etc. (Protection and Jurisdiction) (Scotland) Act 2011 came into force. It provided a specific civil remedy for those threatened with forced marriage and those already in such a marriage. It also placed a requirement on statutory agencies to respond appropriately to the issue.
The aim of the training is to skill up selected key personnel to enable them to act as champions within their organisation/area and lead the implementation of work to address forced marriage. It is hoped that the issue can become mainstreamed into working practice, for example in child protection and adult support and protection. An information disc, including a training manual, will be provided to all delegates for use, as appropriate, in their local areas.
Shakti, in partnership with Scottish Women’s Aid and Hemat Gryffe Women’s Aid, will deliver 4 half-day training sessions for professionals who have previously attended the Forced Marriage training and 4 full day sessions for professionals who have not yet attended. The training will be delivered in various cities across Scotland between February and March 2015.
Please get in touch with Shakti Women’s Aid if you have a strategic role within your organisation and we will add you to the circulation list for the training. Contact us on 0131-475-2399 or email: